A Happy Little Beta Drone | Female Supremacy Training for Beta Males

It is time to rejoice! You are on the path to being a complete suck-up for all women. Soon the ladies in your life will be able to benefit from how docile and weak you have become around them. How FSU has destroyed your false male ego and replaced it with a [...]

My Crush the Capitalist | Female Supremacy Training for Beta Males

Locked in your chastity cage. You stumble behind your crush at the mall. She is so smart. So clever. And you adore her. But most importantly. You pay her to spend time with you. She knows how much you need her attention. And she is going to make sure you pay for [...]

Sissy Pop | Female Supremacy Training for Beta Males

A Sissy Pop is a wonderful little memory trigger we use with some of the beta males we have trained. This file will help you benefit from it as well. A sissy pop is just what you will call a lollipop. But when you do call it that. When you see what [...]

How to be a SILLY SIMP for women | Female Supremacy Training for Beta Males

Today we are going to train you to enjoy being a simp for women. You will understand what a simp is. And your body will crave to be this type of male for all women. You will want to know that every woman realizes she can walk all over you. Use you. [...]

dumb dumb Sissy Parade | Female Supremacy Training for Beta Males

The saddest thing about most sissy boys is that they are never exposed for what they really are. They hide in their homes and dress up in frilly outfits. And they dream of being laughed at. Mocked. And bossed around by strong women. All sissies have are their dreams. They are not [...]

Women are JUST screwing with YOU! | Female Supremacy Training for Beta Males

Imagine for a moment. You are sitting at the bar with your crush. She wanted to meet you because she is really having a difficult time making ends meet. Her rent is about due. Her bills are stacking up. Her apartment is a mess. She asks if you might be able to [...]

Perfect Boy – Sissy Maker | Female Supremacy Training for Beta Males

That penis is such a burden. People have so many expectations of you because of it. You must be tough. And strong. And you need to have sex with women. But you are just no good at any of that. You are so weak and pathetic. And what is worse. You love [...]

I’m Sowey Ma’am | Female Supremacy Training for Beta Males

So many males hate to apologize. Their fragile ego is just so delicate that for a male to admit her is wrong brings about visions of the end of the world. The sad thing is that most males are generally wrong about everything. This is likely due to the male's inferior brain [...]

Female Feet Mortification Trigger | Female Supremacy Training for Beta Males

As a beta male your sex drive has been completely screwed up. This is intentional. You see mother nature made you hypersexual but also unattractive to women. You see she knew, mother nature that is, that your need would not be met by her with normal sex, so you would need to [...]

Sweet Little Mega Bitch | Female Supremacy Training for Beta Males

It is time you learned the truth about women. We can be far more sadistic and manipulative than any male. Just ask anyone of the silly beta males who has been taken to the cleaners during a messy divorce. And yet the funny thing is that society still thinks of women as [...]


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