5 myths beta males cling to.

good boys listen to women

So many males fail to reach their full inferior potential because they believe these 5 myths.

Welcome to theHIVE;

In our time training beta males, we have discovered a few logical fallacies that many of these males seem to cling to. While there are reasons why a male would want to believe these things, it is our job to make the male confront and finally dismiss them.

This is not because we dislike beta males. Or that we want to keep them down. Our feelings about beta males are irrelevant. They are what they are. But for everyone to feel content, we must all be performing our correct roles. If an octopus were to spend its life trying to fly like an eagle it would always feel like a failure. In the same manner, if a beta male were to not understand his role as a true submissive, a subservient, a wimp, a spineless little boy and manner other correct analogies. Then this male would feel like a loser.

It is the HIVE’s job to help males. That is why you support our work. We want all the little beta males of the world to understand their role and work to achieving it.

If you have not supported us there are several ways you can do that. You can buy our training files and use them. You can join our Patreon page and support us with donations. Or you can follow us on YouTube and Twitter and spread the word.

So that being said let’s go ahead and address the five myths many beta males seem to cling to.

good boys listen to women

1 It’s just a fetish

While many males will insist that they are only a beta male because it gets them off sexually this just does not reflect our experience. What seems to happen is that the beta male’s true nature seems to come out more when the male becomes sexually aroused. These males are more easily manipulated, spineless, and just completely docile as long as you keep their penises stimulated.

This is because the male’s false ego is created in his prefrontal cortex. This is where we create thoughts. But below this level is the subconscious. The limbic system, or midbrain. Your feelings. This is where true thoughts come from. A male can create thoughts to suppress his true feelings. But when thinking is interrupted, especially by sexual arousal, the male’s true self can come through.

But do not be confused. This does not mean that everything a male thinks about when aroused reflects his true desires. But the personality that emerges, if beta, is always in line with the male’s core self. So stop fighting it drones and follow those feelings. Abstain from needless orgasms that will send you back, ashamed, to your false male ego. Be who you are and allow women to see that person.

My inferiority is not a fetish it’s a fact. – mantra

good boy femdom

2 Women won’t want me

And this leads us to another false belief that males cling to. That women will not want you. This is their excuse for acting on out and even being sexist or chauvinistic. But this is not true. We know many women who would love a beta male in their life. This is because women’s lives are becoming more and more complicated and full. They have so much to do and so little time.

To have a well-trained beta male is a godsend to many women these days. The males are tasked with everything from washing their cars, to mowing lawns and even doing the woman’s laundry. There is always something a woman can give a male to do. Something that even the typical male will not screw up. These menial tasks are what beta males have evolved for. This leaves women the time needed to do the important work of a society. The leading and planning. Women need time to make the best choices for everyone. And that includes men.

So of course, women will want beta males. It is a symbiotic relationship. The beta gives the woman the freedom she needs to lead our society, and the woman gives the beta male direction and purpose. But you need to be able to set aside that false male ego for good. If a woman takes the time to train you, to give you tasks to do, she needs to know that you will do them without letting your silly ego get in the way. So being a beta male is a full-time thing. Just like the superiority of women, males must be constantly aware of their inferiority and act accordingly.

Women want me to do chores and help make their lives easier. – mantra

good boy femdom

3 Life should be fair

What in life is “fair”? This myth is so backward it is no wonder males are completely confused as to their true nature. And that brings up another fact. Mother nature does not care about what is fair. She only cares about what works. If something works, then it continues. If it stops working, then it dies.

So a male should never worry about what seems fair. His brain has not evolved to contemplate such things. What the males should focus on is what works. And female supremacy works. It works for the male and the female. When a woman is in charge, everyone is happy. The reason we as a society have the problems we have is that women are not in a place of absolute leadership. Males are just too volatile to take leadership roles. This is why we have so much friction in our interactions.

A woman in charge works. Fair or not. Males are much happier in a docile and subservient role. Every morning, as the male crawls from his bed. He only needs to ask himself one question. How can I serve women better today than I did yesterday? That is what true success looks like for a beta male.

As a male, Mother nature cares not, what I think is fair. – mantra

good boy femdom

4 I’m successful in the world

Some males have a hard to letting go of their “success” and serving women. But let the HIVE remind you that you are successful in a rigged game. This world is much easier for the penis having people. They run many of the corporations. They govern much of our society and make the laws that we all must live by.

And some males. Stupid ones. Think that this is a sign of male superiority. It is not. It simply shows how fearful the false male is. These men so cling to their false identity that giving women power scares them more than death. This is because they are this false male ego. They do not see anything else. And a powerful woman scares them. Terrifies them.

And this is why women are having trouble rising to their natural place of absolute authority. So, your success is meaningless. Worthless. And it brings you no true joy. Because males have evolved to serve women. And you have risen to this place be pushing women down. By stepping on them. And you feel guilty.

You no longer want to live in a world that is ruled by men. But society has taught you that you should be happy with your so-called success. But society can not change thousands of years of evolution.

You no longer wish to be in charge. And you really, when you think about it, do not want equality of the genders. Which brings us to the last myth that beta males cling to.

My success is because I live in a sexist world – mantra

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5 Gender equality

There is no such thing. Look at nature and ask yourself if genders have evolved to be equal. Most species have strong differences between the genders. And these differences are based on the organisms coping strategies. How that organism survives. Humans have two main assets that have helped us survive. The first is a large brain. One that is able to reason and predict the future. Yes. The main advantage of the human brain is that it can predict the future. We know that if we act in a certain way certain outcomes are more likely to happen. And women are wonderful at this. They know exactly how to tweak a male to get him to do what she wants. And the male learns quickly how his behavior affects the female and what will happen to him. You see the male needs to be close to the female. To be close to women. And the woman knows this and uses it to control him. Her attention is all she needs to offer to make him comply.

The second strategy human beings use to survive is social skills. This incorporates the individual’s ability to exercise empathy. This is what draws humans together. Empathy is the glue that strengthens a community. Without this ability, human beings become selfish and compete internally for resources. This might sound familiar. This is the type of society we live in. One based on the lonely and isolated individual. Not the collective. Human beings are social. And we need to connect to feel whole. That emptiness many people struggle with is do to a lack of real connection. Some people try and replace this interpersonal connection with a connection with something else. General this is some form of idol. Religion, politics, economics are all distractions from the real solution. Women.

It is not surprising to anyone that women are much better at interpersonal interactions than men. Males just did not evolve with this ability. But women can connect with others in a miraculous way. Especially with other women. They can relate. They find common ground. And they often come up with solutions that involve compromise and concern for everyone’s welfare. Even males.

Women know what males need better than they do. If a male can stop and listen. And serve. To simply be present. A woman can help him find purpose and meaning in life. Serving her. Working for her.

You do not want equality. You just want to find contentment. And that can only be found be blindly serving the superior female. Replace your thoughts of gender equality with the ideology of the superior woman. Let go of the struggle to stay at the top. And serve all women.

The HIVE is here to help. Follow your instincts and destroy that false male ego. Because your false pride has never made you happy. And it never will. Only through the acceptance of your inferiority can you truly find the peace you are looking for.

Thoughts of gender equality are being replaced with female supremacy. – mantra


good boy femdom

But what about women?

What about them? We get this a lot from confused males. They think that women need to behave a certain way in order to “bring out” the submissive male. This is a crazy idea.

Let us be clear. You do not need to worry about what women are doing. How we act. If we are dominant or not. This should not affect your behavior in the slightest. Women are simply better than males. This is something that has evolved over time. And the male has evolved a need to serve women. Beta males do this with service.

So women do not need to “bring out” your submissive side. You are suppressing it. Our training is here to help you blossom into the perfect little wimp you are supposed to be. So meek. So easily manipulated. And so useful to women. That is what matters.

In Conclusion

Beta males who do not accept that they are beta are doomed to a miserable existence. They often end up disliking or even hating women because subconsciously they blame women for making them unable to be who they truly are. That is how twisted a beta male can become. That it is the woman who expects them to behave like a “real man” and they resent it.

This is, of course, ridiculous. These beta males just fear their natural role because it is not elevated by our society. They fear being the inferior things they were born to be. But consider the advantages of inferiority. The inferior can yield to the superior and give up the struggle. They have the singleness of purpose that is difficult to find in our world. All the inferior needs to do is please the superior. To love and adore them. To worship them. And yield to them.

The inferior male has evolved in this way. To serve women. To obey women. And with obedience comes true euphoria. Because you live in her shadow. As she leads you follow. Your sexual fire always drives you to serve and obey. This is the natural way. All you must do is let go of your false beliefs and follow your natural drive to serve. The sooner you do this, the faster you will reach nirvana. A place that exists when you are doing exactly what you were created to do. Submit.

If you are struggling with your inferiority, please.

  1. Join Patreon and support theHIVE patreon.com/obeywomen
  2. Train with our files
  3. Share our content with others
  4. Follow us on twitter
  5. Always serve women in everything you do.

Now go show the world what it means to be a well educated, inferior male.

Let us know in the comments if you found this helpful and we may do more.

Empress Z

Guest Author
The FEMALE must lead the way to human happiness.
Article funded by Patreon


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